University lectures on iTunes

“Studying for class” Originally uploaded by jakebouma Last week the BBC reported that the University College London, the Open University and Trinity College Dublin are putting lectures onto ‘iTunes U’. Course material on iTunes isn’t new and in March Brain Kelly (UK Web Focus) highlighted that one of the UKs ‘Top of the Pods, Podpickers’ […]

21st centrury lecturer – more admin than teaching

21st centrury lecturer – more admin than teaching Originally uploaded by m.hawksey “Dealing with 100-250 emails a week, spending over half your time on administration, coping with rising seminar and lecture sizes, but spending less time with students.” UCU 2008 These are the findings of a recent UCU survey of 321 higher education lecturers. The […]

New RSC N&E Scotland Blog – MASHe

RSC Scotland N&E have launched a new blog, “MASHe“, which will focus on highlighting news, events and resources related to higher education (including HE in FE). Recent posts include a reflection on the recent Sunday Times article ‘Scots universities skew policy to aid poor’, which questions whether universities are engaged in underhand tactics to positively […]

CMALT Accreditation Workshop Series

In May we highlighted that JISC is funding a 50% reduction for learning technology practitioners applying to become Certified Members of the Association for Learning Technologists (CMALT). To support this initiative ALT is running a series of regional workshops to help individuals undertake CMALT accreditations. As part of this series there will be a workshop […]

Becta Technology Newsletter

The May edition of the Becta TechNews – technology newsletter is now available. This newsletter contains extensive information on a range of emerging technologies and other technology news. Subjects covered in this issue include: Context awareness Wireless technology Handheld games consoles Robots in education Online Reporting To view the newsletter in various formats visit the […]

Award Winning Peer Assessment: WebPA

Over on ‘True or False’ there is a post highlighting that the JISC funded project WebPA Wins International Learning Impact Award. Having been involved with the SFC funded REAP project, which was looking at how all forms of assessment can be used enhance teaching and learning in higher education, I am very aware that peer […]

HE in FE

In the last week I’ve hit a rich vein of reports and resources on ‘HE in FE’. Here’s a summary of what I’ve come across so far: The first one has catchy title ‘Further education and the delivery of higher-level qualifications: understanding the contribution of further education to the delivery of Level 4 (higher) and […]

The Sunday Times: Scots universities skew policy to aid poor

Exam Results Day 2001 – Stephen’s Results Originally uploaded by Krypto The Sunday Times reported recently that they had evidence that some Scottish universities had changed their admission procedures to ‘positively discriminate’ in favour of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. In particular the article highlights admission policies for the University of Edinburgh and St. Andrews University […]

The beginning

mash and gravy Originally uploaded by chotda Welcome to the latest blog from the RSC Scotland North & East, “MASHe”! This blog aims to highlight news, events, resources and all manner of other delights related to Higher Education. You maybe asking what does the ‘MASHe’ acronym stand for? The simple answer is ‘I don’t know’. […]

How Environmentally Sustainable is your ICT?

This is the focus of the JISC-funded SusteIT project which recently featured in the Education Guardian (8th May 2008) and is due to publish interim findings this June. The project has been conducting a scoping study to establish the impact of current and projected ICT usage. It plans to identify cost-effective methods for reducing energy […]

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