MIT STAR Projects – Free software tools and resources for engineering and science education

Continuing MITs philosophy to support open educationally resources (MIT OpenCourseWare launched in 2002) there are some software tools and classroom materials for biology, physics and civil/environmental engineering. As part of the STAR programme staff at MIT are seeking “to bridge the divide between scientific research and the classroom”. As part of this project the MIT […]

Having Phun with physics

Phun is an educational, entertaining and somewhat (!) addictive piece of software for playing around in a 2D physics sandbox in a cartoony fashion. Phun is not just another game, but is intended to bring in interactive physics as an enabling technology for entirely new concepts and usage patterns in creative computing for animation, simulation, […]

RobotProg – Learn Programming and have Fun

Teaching basic logic for programming languages can be a challenge. RobotProg is a free software tool available for PC and Mac designed to allow students to work through programming problems graphically creating their own logic flowcharts. Students can then run their program and watch a robot execute their commands. RobotProg is designed to allow students […]

Solve Elec 2.5: Free electronics circuit analysis software

Solve Elec is a free piece of software designed to help students design electrical and electronic circuits. The main features of Solve Elec are: circuit drawing computation of literal formulas for any current intensity, voltage or potential defined in the circuit verification of equations related to the circuit graph drawing definition of quantities by their […]
