Guest Post for Big Data Week #bdw13: Getting Creative with Big Data and Google Apps

I was recently asked to write a guest post for Big Data Week on using Google Apps as an interface for Big Data. For the post I decided to revisit an old recipe which uses Google Sheets (Spreadsheets) and Google Apps Script to interface the Twitter and Google Analytics API

TAGSExplorer now includes filterable/searchable archive

At IWMW12 I made a searchable/filterable version of TAGS Spreadsheets. This feature lets you use the Google Visualisation API to filter tweets stored in a Google Spreadsheet (more about TAGS). It has been available via a separate web interface for some time but I’ve never got around to publicizing it. As TAGSExplorer also uses the […]

The most comprehensive aggregation and visualisation of #jiscel12 tweets

It’s here folks. The most advanced aggregation and visualisation of tweets for the JISC Innovating e-Learning 2012 online conference taking place next week. Over two years ago I started developing a Google Spreadsheet to archive tweets and since not only have I been evolving the code I’ve been creating tools which use the spreadsheet as […]

CFHE12 Week 3 Analysis: Exploring the Twitter network through tweets

Taking an ego-centric approach to Twitter contributions to CFHE12 looking at how activity data can be extracted and used

CFHE12 Week 2 Analysis: Data! Show me your data and I’ll show you mine

What data is available around CFHE12? In this post I look at data feeds available from CFHE12, see what we can get and suggest some alternative ways of getting the data and pulling it in to other services for analysis. Finally I highlight the issues with collecting participant feeds filtered by tag/category/label

CFHE12 Week 1 Analysis: Twitter isn’t so massive

As I mentioned in Filtering a Twitter hashtag community for questions and responses I’ve been asked to do some analysis of the Current/Future State of Higher Education (CFHE12) course. Week 1 has mainly been about creating a toolchain that makes it easier to hit a button and get some insight. The focus has mainly been […]

Any Questions? Filtering a Twitter hashtag community for questions and responses [situational awareness] #CFHE12

I believe a key aspect of cMOOCs is how they agregrate content. In this post a present a new tool I created which extracts possible questions tweeted in a hashtag community, agregregating some of the responses and providing an interface to mkae it easy for others in the community respond.

‘Activity’ in the Twitter backchannel at #altc2012 day 1

The graph on the right is taken from a paper mentioned in Eric Mazur’s keynote from the first day of the ALT* Conference 2012. The paper, A Wearable Sensor for Unobtrusive, Long-Term Assessment of Electrodermal Activity (Poh, Swenson & Picard, 2010), reports the study of an experimental wristband which can record brain activity. Mazur used […]

Notes from the Twitter backchannel at eAssessment Scotland 2012 #eas12

On Friday (31st August) I was at eAssessment Scotland 2012. In a continuation of my analysis of threaded discussion in a event backchannel I have a quick look at eas12 and reveal a different pattern of communication which shows that the audience was in broadcast mode.

First look at analysing threaded Twitter discussions from large archives using NodeXL #moocmooc

This post is a bit messy. I got caught trying out too many ideas at once, but hopefully you’ll still find it useful Sheila recently posted Analytics and #moocmooc in which she collects some thoughts on the role of analytics in courses and how some of the templates I’ve developed can give you an overview […]

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